before the 2009 National Day

■ "" Track,outlet moncler

(Reporter Chen Po) government land acquisition and resettlement in Yanqing County Municipal Committee staff Gengmou for fraud demolition section,giubbotti woolrich, two village officials to bribe (newspaper has reported continuous).

Recently, Yanqing court in a non-national staff accepting bribes,hogan outlet, were sentenced to Yanqing town m Jiabao and former director of the village party secretary Wang Yang five years in prison.

"To compensate for the money to buy the restaurant,hogan uomo."

In 1998, the town of Yanqing warburg meters will be leased to a large village Zhen,nike air max 90 outlet, operating farms and restaurants. Later, farms and restaurants were sublet to Gengmou father and Zhang. Gengmou company has opened, after becoming Yanqing County Municipal Committee staff.

Gengmou confession, between July and August 2009, I heard a nearby rice warburg want green demolition, he found Zhang 400,,air max outlet,000 yuan to buy the restaurant. Then built six or seven rooms in the restaurant space, about 200 square meters, it took about 17 80,piumini peuterey,,000 "(buy restaurant thing) I say neither with the village,air max italia, there is no actual business, is to get compensation. "he said.

Two village officials taking bribes 140,,000 per person

September 2009,moncler sito ufficiale, Yanqing County Municipal Committee organized demolition, meters from the town of Yanqing warburg segment specific implementation. Wang confessed when he was director of the village,nike tn requin, taking into Gengmou buy restaurant without informing the village, the village Party branch secretary Yang his position to the town,, the restaurant does not agree fully removed.

Gengmou find Wang and Yang, saying to them 140,moncler outlet,000 yuan per person,, then the village 100,tiffany gioielli,000 yuan compensation. They have agreed to full demolition.

Then by the end of September,moncler outlet, the restaurant Gengmou get relocation compensation 368 million. In addition to the purchase and renovation costs of restaurants and RBI relations, Gengmou confession "earn" more than 240 million.

June 2010,piumini moncler, the village director and party secretary Wang Yang was detained, two will have received 280,000 stolen money all out.

Common crime won 5-year sentence

Yanqing Court held that, Wang,,abercrombie outlet italia, Yang served as village cadres use management of rural collective affairs of his office, as trustees to seek benefits, co-trustees of property illegally accepting 280,000 yuan,nike air tn requin, a huge amount,nike tn,, and the Department of common crime, constitutes a non- national staff accepting bribes. Given two active confession, repentance with a good attitude,louboutin milano, and the proceeds of crime proceeds all out, be lenient sentence as appropriate, were sentenced to five years.

■ news

Deputy mayor involved in corruption will be tried

Together with the demolition fiction area, lie the town to do the demolition 880,000

Two village officials when investigating the bribery case, prosecutors found that Zhang Shujun, vice mayor of the town of Yanqing also involved the case.

According to the prosecution allegations, before the 2009 National Day,,piumini moncler, Zhang Shujun use of his office, together with the demolition Gengmou take to improve relocation compensation standards,hogan outlet, the fictional construction area and other means to defraud two were Yanqing town relocation compensation totaling 880,000 yuan, in the final individuals. Imitational actual share of proceeds of $ 500,000.

Prosecutors believe that should be investigated Imitational criminal corruption charges, together with national staff Gengmou corruption, corruption charges should be held criminally responsible. Currently, Yanqing Court has accepted the case, the trial will be held today.

Newspaper reporter Chen Po

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Kim Jin Chen police officer said on the 9th 9

Son, husband to his wife, the husband let the children at a friend's house waiting for Mom

Less than two years old baby wandered two days careless parents found shelter kidnap Kim Jin police station

Child wandered off, parents anxiously looking around, or whether such a scenario are often seen on television in life. But always regarded children as their own lives, and the birth of a child since the child never left half-step hole lady never dreamed that such a scene would happen to them. December 9, Miss Kong and her husband Xu oversight,,abercrombie milano, each busy to work, the one-year-old and 11 months of a child at a neighbor's door they each leave. They also thought the child from the other side with until 11 noon,, they did not know the child a phone call was lost. Fortunately, the child lost someone that day the police, Kim Jin Panlong police station temporarily shelter the child, and later was sent to the orphanage. Yesterday afternoon,, had stayed up all night two days before the couple brought the child home.

Yesterday morning, who lives in the small village of Ms. hole once again came to the police station,moncler donna outlet, Chen Jin, handling procedures to reclaim the child. "I dreamed of this day for two days the children crying,woolrich sito ufficiale, 'Mom, I want to go home, could not find the way'." While the child's whereabouts have been clear,spaccio woolrich, but the multi-day lift children wandered off, Ms. hole mood was very excited, tolerance could not help the tears.

Ms. Hung said the 9th 7:00 am, work out his own plan, he gave the child to the home of her husband,hogan sito ufficiale, let him take the kids to go to work. But she did not expect to go to work when her husband Xu confused children alone in the house next door to a laundry door yet. After half an hour until she came back after finishing things,, saw the door was locked, the child is not in,,moncler donna, I thought surely go to work with her husband. The same day,, Ms. hole went to a friend's house until the morning of the 11th, Ms. hole miss the child's only a phone call to her husband,spaccio woolrich, let him bring his son back. To the other end of the phone, her husband has said that the child did not bring around, but before he walked lost in a laundry near the entrance.

"It was felt that day had fallen, and if the child is found again and I want to live." Heard this message, Xu also came back. The two then hit 110,, print the child's photo posted everywhere ...... but there has been no news. Until 14:00 and more, are anxiously looking for the child the couple received a gold Chen police station's phone,nike tn, they said the child in there.

In the police station,piumini woolrich, confirmed, before the police station shelter children's children what Ms. hole. Xu introduced himself and his wife opened a decoration company, weekdays are there to do in Kunming new airport renovation project, a few days before the general home once, and his wife usually work out general soon came back. Shortly after his wife went out the same day he will go to work. Thinking about his wife will be back soon, do not bring children locked in the house, next to the laundry owner is an acquaintance, the boss will certainly help facie children, so put the child on the door of the laundry.

"I thought she came back renowned for kids these days by her with, or a telephone call,parajumpers soldes, I did not know the child wandered off. Is our carelessness." After this incident,hogan prezzi, Ms. hole also his remorse was very careless, "If I give her husband in the back when a call might not be such a thing. he would not do that anymore."

Kim Jin Chen police officer said on the 9th 9:00 am, when he had just walked into the police station, 110 command center came the alarm, saying that on the 15th Golden Village Road entrance of a lost child. When he arrived,woolrich prezzi, I saw a man on the roadside crying children. Children in addition to call my father,hogan olympia donna, mother, the words will not say anything else. Panic, Chen officer immediately to the specific characteristics of the child were reported 110 command center,, hoping 110 children lost command center will be able to linkage alarm as soon as possible. Subsequently, Kim Jin police station repeatedly drove in four visits to the surrounding masses, do not get any news about the parents of the child. Think parents should soon find the child through the alarm,woolrich sito ufficiale, the police put the kids to settle in the police station, also bought milk, diapers,nike tn requin, three police alternate care. Although there have been several parents of lost children to come to read, but confirmed neither. To 10 pm,piumini moncler, the children still no one came to claim the police station, the police did not find the child's information. Due to tight police manpower, the afternoon of the 10th, Kim Jin police only after contact with the orphanage in Kunming, sending their children to the orphanage. Until at 14:14 on the 11th, 110 command center that she heard the news that a couple of the children wandered off. After initial recognition than the photos,louboutin pas cher, the child is the home of Miss Kong.

Yesterday morning, the police also issued the relevant certificate, Ms. hole also bring a family photo of the child's birth certificate and other materials, went to Kunming Children's Welfare Institute. Until 16:00,spaccio woolrich, after all the formalities complete,moncler uomo outlet, Miss Kong finally lost two days with children from the orphanage came out. Subsequently, Ms. hole phone call to the newspaper: "I'm feeling the police station, I would also like to thank the police and by the media, if not them,abercrombie femme, I had a very happy family that is very likely to collapse.." (Reporter Liu Xianbing) (City Times)

about 3 am

August 3 8:00 pm, Ding'an Hsinchu town heap of white sea village intersection Tun (Haikou to tunchang) Construction of the highway construction occurred in the case of malignant obstruction. 7 local villagers in the project failed to ask, armed with machetes, steel construction engineering vehicles smashed and chopped a field staff. After the incident, Ding'an Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to the establishment of a task force to start the investigation, three hours after officers arrested a participation thwarted. 24 May 0900,sito ufficiale moncler outlet, the negative case absconded three suspects forced the public security organs strong pressure,hogan scarpe,, go Ding'an Public Security Bureau surrendered. The case is still under further investigation were.

Request failed because the sand project,scarpe hogan outlet, seven men and wounded a man thwarted site vehicles, one suspects arrested three hours after the incident,, another three suspects at large

Reporters learned that, August 3 8:00 pm, Ding'an Hsinchu town heap white village at the junction of the sea village highway construction, suddenly broke into seven men riding a motorcycle. 7 people off immediately after the spread, armed with machetes, steel pipes and other weapons of projects under construction vehicle smashed,scarpe hogan, ordered staff immediately shut down.

Distance from the construction site not far from a staff member surnamed Li pulled out his cellphone to take pictures of the gang of men's behavior, did not expect to just take a picture of it was found to block a group of construction. They immediately stepped forward to ask for a camera phone, Lee,woolrich uomo, after being rejected, Lee hit a group of people surrounded them.

"What are you doing,woolrich sito ufficiale, what hit!" To see Lee was besieged minister Tun sea highway five landmark project not far from the machinery department Wang walked forward,basket tn requin, yelled at the man's gang violence.

The partnership will be directed immediately turned to the man Wang, which surrounded kicking. Chaos, a man picked up a length of about one meter of pipe to hit to the head Wang, Wang seize steel self-defense. Wang saw the revolt and snatch pipe, a man waving a half-meter-long machete to cut off Wang. The assailant jumped on a motorcycle left,louboutin homme pas cher, just to be rid of a few workers ran forward,piumini moncler, Wang found lying on the ground, one hand clutching his right arm,, groaning with pain. After the workers for simple dressing bleeding wounds Wang, Wang rushed to a hospital where the sea and call the police.

The county dispatched three hours and arrested a suspect

The court received the report, Lin Gang Ding'an Public Security Bureau, political commissar OF AGRICULTURE it attaches great importance to instruct the law and order brigade and police rushed to the Hsinchu area police treated the case severely punished, while the establishment of law and order brigade captain Chen Nitto as head of the task force.

Tsang Kwong Tong police station when Hsinchu instructor led five police rushed to the scene,hogan outlet, seven assailants fled on a motorcycle has. Police at the scene only to be seen leaving the assailants smashed vehicles and bloodstains on the ground,scarpe hogan, next to the highway,spaccio woolrich, also left a white plastic bag.

Police immediately to the scene to investigate the workers interviewed, mostly due to the presence of the then foreign workers, the workers did not know this group of the assailant. There are workers in the survey reflected to the police,chaussures nike pas cher, the assailant hit in seven Wang in the process,air max femme, there is an assailant arm was chopped in advance by another man riding a motorcycle away from the crime scene.

Hsinchu police have wide-tung instructor immediately report the situation to the Secretary Lin Gang, Lin Gang Secretary ordered the Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade Ding'an, law and order brigade and the county police station immediately on the area hospitals, clinics expand MoPai surveillance.

Day 11:30 Xu,, in the chaos of the 29-year-old was chopped suspect in a given town Ting Hospital of Long Road clinic see when treatment was arrested.

Block construction was mistakenly cut off associates tesujis

After the suspect was arrested ,spaccio moncler,, its control panel will be treated in the hospital,, while his trial to start. Chen Mouguang yourself together "Tiger just" violence to obstruct the sea, who confessed to the crime, Tuen highway construction. 18,spaccio woolrich, Chen Mouguang criminal detention. Reporters learned that Chen Mouguang March 2007 but had been given safe drug PSB year compulsory treatment.

August 24,, the reporter saw at the detention center Ding'an Chen Mouguang. He told reporters, before he went to sea village highway construction site occasionally to help a friend in dry, more familiar with the construction site. The evening of August 2, the same village 33 years old Wang Mougang (nicknamed "Tiger Gang") about 3 am, he went to sea Ting Tun highway construction section, the project headquarters "should" do the project, if they do not agree , to hit the machine,parka woolrich, not the normal construction project. Thinking "Tiger just" works if you have to do, and he can profit, Chen Mouguang to accept the "Tiger Gang" and "invitation."

3 am, Chen Mouguang motorcycle car with 19-year-old village man Wangmou Han (nicknamed "nurse") in front to lead the way,piumini peuterey, "Tiger just" five people riding four motorcycles, the two machetes,peuterey outlet milano,, two pipe packed in two plastic bags trailing behind. When hit Wang, chaos was harming his associates knife arm. See him to be safe Hospital of Long Road clinic examination,moncler sito ufficiale, was told right arm four tendons were cut off. I did not expect just finished surgery, he was arrested by the police.

the specific time for burial

After three days the mountain hiding Murder suspects to turn themselves in

Daily News (in the East correspondent Wu Ping) July 28,woolrich uomo,, Handelsblatt reported "quarrel grievances husband went to her parents after the attack 80 12 knife stabbed his wife,scarpe hogan outlet," a post, has aroused widespread concern. 28 am, the suspect Liang, accompanied by his family to the Eastern Municipal Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade surrender. 29 pm Commercial Daily reporter learned that the body of the deceased was still lying Liangjia specific burial time the two sides are still in negotiations; as raising issues under the three-year-old boy left, the children grandfather said that he and the children can not take care of her grandmother in poor health grandson, only to rely on the government to give care. Currently, the police are on the suspect Liang further proceedings.

Liang gave himself up because flee tough

According to the reporter,parajumpers homme, the morning of July 25, Dongfang City Town Board to hold interest with the murder occurred in the village,woolrich donna,, her husband Liang held a knife to his wife stabbed to death. After the incident, Eastern Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Government and the Town Board Itabashi border police on several occasions to hold benefit the families of the village do ideological work. On the one hand to comfort the bereaved families,air max tn pas cher, I hope soon be able to bury their dead; on the other hand,peuterey uomo, for the families to explain the legal knowledge Liang,giubbotti woolrich, Liang family members hope to give police clues to solve,chaussures tn, let Liang gave himself up as soon as possible. After many personnel to both families do ideological work, 9 o'clock in the morning on the 28th, accompanied by his family Liang,vendita hogan, the Eastern Municipal Public Security Bureau gave himself up.

After the incident, the deceased has been hated killings Liang, the current,scarpe hogan, Liang had surrendered themselves, the deceased is what happens then? In the afternoon,, the reporter interviewed the family of the deceased Lee, he told reporters, police there said to be caught, Liang family said was surrender. Whether the arrest or surrender Liang took his daughter to be left with Pimadaixiao funeral,spaccio woolrich, otherwise they would not let him. After the incident,, their families have been crying, Liang's too cruel means, should be subject to legal sanctions.

As Liang was arrested or gave himself up,chaussures tn pas cher, then, the reporter interviewed Mr. Liang Liang's father. He said that on the 28th day of the morning dawn, his son returned home Liang told him: "After the incident, I went to the mountains behind the village hiding, has been in the mountains,,louis vuitton sito ufficiale, no water to drink,giubbotti peuterey,, no food, it is intolerable suffering,peuterey spaccio, then back home. "

Mr Leung told reporters that his son also regret, regret impulse, should a knife stabbed his wife,,hogan uomo, makes a wonderful family completely broken. Wanted to give himself up,woolrich donna, do not know which department to the Public Security Bureau gave himself up. Thus, the same day 0900, Liang was escorted to my grandfather and father under the Municipal Public Security Bureau gave himself up.

Burial of the deceased has not been a good discussion 3-year-old boy or no dependents

At present, the body of the deceased is buried? Mr Leung told reporters that the bodies have been put in his house five days, the specific time for burial,, the two sides (between relatives) has not been a good discussion, he has been thinking about the dead for burial as soon as possible, let the dead rest in peace. Her family has always insisted that the dead can be shot after his son,louboutin pas cher, to let the bodies for burial, he feels it requires a bit too.

When the reporter spoke with Mr. Leung custody issues 3-year-old boy, Mr Leung said he and his wife have a disease,moncler sito ufficiale, not necessarily to take care of grandchildren,moncler sito ufficiale, mainly by government departments to give child care.

Currently, the police are on the suspect further proceedings.

until the inspectors appeared

(Reporter Yuan Guoli) chased after the van was seized,piumini moncler, black truck driver Jo law enforcement officers are not prepared to take advantage of the van drove away. Yesterday,nike air max 90 outlet,, when he drove in the Chaoyang District,nike tn,, was arrested driving,woolrich donna, and thus he was accused of detained property was transferred to administrative detention.

According to the Fengtai urban management unit directly under the team members introduced March 23,, Fengtai police chased joint bus Corps songjiazhuang enforcement,piumini outlet, the long-distance bus terminal near Muxiyuan seized 10 black car, these cars have all been taken to the parking lot inside the passenger terminal . Among them,, there is a silver van Songhua River, the driver surnamed Cao. The next morning,hogan sito ufficiale, when Jo came to the urban management department survey of law enforcement officers do not pay attention while secretly slipped his car and took out a prepared spare car keys to the car to start. Parking in front of the cashier unclear circumstances, after the closing of the two-dollar parking fee and Jo van release. Inspectors found a van less inventory,tn requin femme, then dialed 110.

Yesterday morning, Chaoyang District,,louboutin pas cher, Fengtai inspectors received three rooms of the police station phone,giubbotti woolrich, said the van had been seized by the police. It turned out that after the police inspectors,nike tn requin, Jo's license plate number is entered online investigation system. Yesterday,, Jo drove through an intersection when three rooms were photographed electronic eye, the system determines that the car belongs to stealing cars,moncler donna, police alarm system also suggestive of stealing vehicles appear. Police immediately rushed to the scene,louboutin, Jo captured. According to Jo said he drove the car was gone, has dared to open it. A week later,woolrich donna, he thought all right,peuterey outlet, they are bold enough to pull out a living. When the police had just stopped, Jo does not recognize,woolrich outlet, until the inspectors appeared,, he did not speak.

Yesterday,hogan uomo prezzi, police songjiazhuang administrative penalties issued against Jo book. Police said, according to "Security Administration Punishment Law" provisions of Article 60 of the first term, Jo law enforcement agencies are transferring administrative detention,mulberry outlet, seizure,,hogan outlet, freezing behavior property determines its seven days of administrative detention, a fine of 200 yuan. Fengtai urban management,scarpe hogan, said Jo out unlicensed operators will conduct high-limit penalties - a fine of 10,giubbotti peuterey,000 yuan.

Xushao Bing

9, at 4 pm, Siyang eight Jixiang Liu Lanfang 65 years old,air max tn pas cher, as usual, in a small way in front of the school to focus on looking forward to the third day of the eight-year-old grandson Xu Shan 16 return from school. But she did not see the familiar figure grandchildren, etc. but it is a bad news: "! Xu Shan was poked, dying," the old man immediately collapsed to the ground, crying when she stumbled all the way came to the school,chaussures tn requin pas cher, see but it is the grandson of the gradual cooling of the body.


In front of the school leaving long blood

From eight to focus in front of the school to the local hospital eight episodes, about five or six meters away from the way bathed in blood, in front of the school for about two or three meters of blood had been buried soil.

10, the reporter saw the road in front of the high school blood, still shocking. Murder happened that afternoon broke the quiet old town. Eight centralized school locked the door, next to the door was open, the guard room was empty inside,, close to the two side walls and a security police photos. At the gate on the west side of the parking shed, electric car just parked, the reporter saw the cover sheet on both sides of the back seat full of blood, has been condensed. Student dormitory on campus walls,woolrich outlet, written in a font with thick slogan: "strengthen legal education, create a safe campus!" Is especially dazzling looks.

Reporters through visits and, after finding a few at the scene of the students involved in the rescue Xu Shan,peuterey outlet milano, understand the awful bloodshed after 8 pm on the 9th centralized school entrance occurred.

At 15:40 on the 9th, the students out of school after school after another. Then, three days after a student (2) classes out of school,, I heard someone shouting Zou Kai (a pseudonym) name, Zou Kai ran in the past,scarpe nike air max, I saw Xu Shan Zou Kai lifted his foot and kicked it, then Zou Kai suddenly pulled out a knife from him,, threw him to the mountains Xu stabbed to go. Students approached the two men rushed next opened, there were students asked Xu Shan have something? Xu Shan pulled the clothes,spaccio woolrich, replied, "Nothing." At this time, a classmate found Xu Shan hands dripping blood, escorted him to a nearby hospital ready to see, but did not walk a few steps, Xu Shan fell to the ground. That students exclaimed loudly,nike air max pas cher,, quickly pushed to the electric car,, the other clutching a classmate Xu Shan wounds,louboutin prezzi, holding his riding electric car, sent to hospital. To the hospital, the doctor saw Xu Shan was not breathing.

One student told reporters, when Xu Shan was taken to hospital, schools seem to see a teacher to the scene, but did not see the seamount saved, the teacher turned to leave.

One student told reporters, Xu Shan usually others with sincerity, good karma in the class. The student said, stabbed Xu Shan Zou Kai Wu Jixiang Huai'an City, North man, this semester has just arrived three days (3) classes, Zou Kai classroom for the students that he had said that he was due to fight After being expelled from the old school, was concentrated by relatives to learn eight school.

One student said the know, there is contradiction between the mountains before Xu and Zou Kai, I do not know how this happened, the two clashed again, the results lead to a tragedy.

Shocked by the bad news,moncler pas cher femme,

Sixty grandmother collapsed tears

Because along with his grandchildren from his own childhood growing up,woolrich outlet, Xu Shan suddenly killed, 65-year-old Liu Lanfang so distraught. 9, at 4 pm, we should think of seamount came back from school,hogan donna, Liu Lanfang was wondering grandchildren back to school to do what is good, then, a relative Qizhemotuo rush came,parajumpers jakke, "Hill son (Xu Hill nickname) was poked Debu light, go and see! "

At that moment, the old man kept, she stumbled walked to school. Got half way, "Hill child gone," the bad news, Liu Lanfang then collapsed to the ground, crying. When a neighbor helped her to head south when eight episodes Street,giubbotti moncler, just to see several students from carrying Xu Shan hospital. "The child's head wrapped in a piece of clothing, a few students cried and carried him back, and that blood on the child's hand dripping down, leaving a trail of blood on the ground!" Feeling that there are more than grandchildren warm hands,hogan outlet, old again broke down and cried.

Xushao Bing, Hu Ningfu women for many years working in Suzhou,, Xushao Bing as a security guard,hogan donna, Junin in a wedding factory work. Two couples rarely home throughout the year, but no matter how busy work,spaccio woolrich, Junin go back to his son's birthday every year. "I saw the calendar, the lunar year of his birthday March 18 happens to be May Day, I was thinking to buy a cake to the children when a good few days with him!"

But at 16:40 on the 9th or so, Hu Ning received a phone call that his son "a major event," she hoping against hope, to bring all their savings, chartered back home the same night. But to meet her,louboutin homme pas cher, not the son in the past that slightly naughty smile, but pro-people piercing cry. Hu Ning said the child is very sensible, and very obedient. Xu Shan annual summer vacation, winter vacation when his son received Junin Suzhou will play for some time, "every time for him to eat pork,, all I eat one, he ate one,, and the rest said to stay to his father to eat! "

Xu Shan's family said the evening of 9, they have been asking the school can someone come forward to give them an explanation, but waited until about at 1:40 on the 10th, only surnamed Chen out to meet the principal, he said he was away on business,chaussures nike pas cher, Immediately after hearing the news came back. About at 5:00 on the 10th, Xu Shan's body was sent to the funeral home.

Police said a local police station,spaccio woolrich, after the event, he went to the police station Zou Kai gave himself up, said he poked a man with a knife,louboutin femme, then he did not know Xu Shan has died. Because the murder occurred in front of the campus, after the event, Siyang parties very seriously, Siyang County leaders, eight Jixiang leaders rushed to the scene deal with the matter. Currently, the aftermath of the things still further processed.

Newspaper reporters peak