Text / piece the reporter Miao HUAMAO

National production affected by honey, honey prices steadily rising this year, including acacia honey as high as 26,000 yuan purchase price / ton, about 13 yuan per kilogram necessary. However, the reporter on the 15th at the Yantai visited a number of large supermarkets found that some regular brand of acacia honey, the price was close 7.5 yuan per kilogram. So contrary to the economic laws of the phenomenon can not help but wondering, this "honey" in the note exactly how much "water"?

The same - different brands pounds loaded acacia honey seven times the price difference

15 morning, reporters in the South Street area saw a large supermarket honey, honey brands on the shelves, variety, acacia honey, Date honey, citrus honey. According to sales personnel,http://hyougosoap.s102.xrea.com/cgi/j/j.cgi?mode=res&no=36534, people buy more or acacia honey.

Reporters observed a moment, in many acacia honey,peuterey online, the price differences between different brands is also great, where the sales staff,moncler sito ufficiale, told reporters in a highly recommended by Ningbo Michelle apiculture production company, 2 kg package of acacia honey, original price 47 yuan price 29.9 yuan. Reporter figured, this product is about 7.5 yuan per kilogram price together. And a little better than this, by the Shandong China Hong apiculture production of 2 kg package of acacia honey, priced at 59.8 yuan, the price is about 15 yuan per kilogram.

Why is the same as the acacia honey, but the price difference so big? South Street home in another large supermarket, a sales staff revealed that the price differences between now honey, in addition to the brand of factors,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi, mainly on the difference between the selection of raw materials, the more expensive the honey, the higher the purity,peuterey outlet, the price is cheap, a lot of are mixed with other cheap honey or other sugars.

Yuehua Jian, the sales staff for reporters to take over a bottle of origin for a well-known brand of acacia honey in Beijing, "This is our most expensive, a pound of equipment, price 53 yuan, which is the cheapest bottle than our the kind that can seven times more expensive. "

The farmers market more ridiculously low price of bulk honey

Compared with large supermarkets, honey farmers market is clearly on the "benefits" a lot. In urban areas dividend market, a shop owner selling honey to reporters, their absolute guarantee that the acacia honey is adulterated,http://www.chuxiong.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17029, priced from 6 yuan per kilogram to 15 yuan range, leave a compensable.

Reporters observed a moment,giubbotti woolrich, the owner of the so-called "high-end" acacia honey, in fact, is to use an ordinary bottled, canned, canned bottle caps also rusty. See reporters expressed doubts about the quality of honey, the owner quickly explained that this is pure acacia honey beekeepers homegrown, do not look at the packaging is not very good,woolrich online, but the quality is absolutely excellent honey inside.

"I heard now acacia honey purchase price to 26,000 yuan a ton,http://www.tfc-charts2.w2d.com/forum/index.cgi, 13 yuan per catty together, selling 6 yuan a catty not lose money?" Reporter asked.

"This year,moncler outlet, the country's sharply cut acacia honey, acacia honey production in the real market will naturally not too much, sometimes against the point of canola flower honey is inevitable." The owner told reporters that at present, rape honey price of about 8,000 yuan per ton, only 4 yuan per catty about cooperation, much still some processing enterprises such as this cheap against some honey into it, but anyway, this is honey, drink it will not affect the taste,http://www.yqtxt.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but will not have any harm on the human body.

Honey Manufacturers Revealed below cost mixed with "fructose"

"The current market pure quality acacia honey, catty price should be more than 20 yuan,woolrich outlet roma, less than the price,http://www.sqwm.gov.cn/blog/?uid-331-action-viewspace-itemid-7949, definitely have mixed some rape honey, but less than $ 15,woolrich donna, which is not mixed with the honey, but rather 'fructose'. "Yantai, a large honey processing business person in charge told reporters said.

According to him, some supermarkets sell OEM products, including some unknown brand of honey,http://www.bx5.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=72275,hogan outlet, as long as the price is far lower than the purchase price of honey on the market today, are mixed with something called "fructose" material. Fructose is a liquid, colorless and transparent, and viscous,hogan rebel outlet,http://learningnetwork.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, is a refined rice came out from additives.

The responsible person said that the current market price of fructose in about 5,nike tn pas cher france,000 yuan a ton, more than cheap canola flower honey, but also cheap 3000 yuan, mixed into honey can significantly reduce costs. "How much fructose manufacturers generally mixed, will reduce how much the cost?" Reporter asked. The responsible person said,tn pas chere, it depends on the manufacturer's conscience, and it is understood that they usually add 30% -40% of fructose, can be reduced by about three percent of the cost.