both men and women

When love encounter of two agreements recently Chongqing news to the original right off single fantasy bachelor who mercilessly poured cold water on a "white Formica marry affordable men, the first to do pre-marital property notarization" and the other is the "man 50000 to send his girlfriend to sign the agreement in love, get married on the court not repay. " Bachelor who wonder, we also eagerly hope that soon a double into right, no one thought this love marriage the way it was "marvelous." When love becomes like a sale out? In the end this agreement for the love of two people's feelings can play what role? Do not worry, let the "Double Happiness Week" tell you.



Mom's boyfriend proposed marriage agreement: bride price must be wholly owned by the man


Wu Qing Female 28 years old advertising planning

Began to fall in love with her boyfriend from high school, and now a decade. To talk of marriage age, and we were ready to get married on organizing the wedding. There are times to his house for dinner, her boyfriend took the initiative to his parents at the dinner table talking about this thing,nike tn requin site officiel, did not think his mother made us not to worry, meaning that they now no money at home, we really want to get married,woolrich vendita online, only to make my home more some money.

After I went home with my mom to convey, said his mother, wedding half the money for a person can be, but on condition that her boyfriend must put the house he bought last year, plus my name. Mom knew very happy boyfriend, strongly disagreed. In fact, I understand, because this house is two elderly people to the down payment, the loan is with her boyfriend for months now,,giacca woolrich prezzi, with our family had nothing to do. Just to get married this money thing, do not make concessions on both sides of the family.

One day, her boyfriend mother suddenly took out a piece of paper, let me take it home to my mother to see,scarpe hogan scontate, if they feel right on the signing, she agreed to marry us. I see,woolrich artic parka,, is her own handwriting, "prenuptial agreement", which terms are: "wedding money man out, but the whole dowry to the man all", "woman must not be less than 150,000 buy a car as dowry." "married woman should bear most of the housework," "dowry will be refunded after the divorce, but the house can not be written on the woman's name," and so on. I looked very silent, did not dare to take it home to see my mother, I told her boyfriend discuss how to do, but he has no way to get his mother, he meant to say is that over time.

My mother did not see the two of us have asked me how it happened, so I had to lay it told her she expected furious phone call to her boyfriend mother cursed meal, "You're the son of the conditions can be found in the contentment of my daughter, "" your home too poor to ring jingle, but also learn to play this rich set of "...... In short, what harsh words said everything. The stalemate between the two, My boyfriend and I have nothing. The most surprising is that her boyfriend she said she also secretly helping her boyfriend arrange a blind date. I know that after my heart especially not the taste, then made a break with him, I said:. "Since we can not find a solution, then why bother wasting each other's time." But after all,moncler bambino, we have feelings decade, where it says points share swap, so her boyfriend told me that that must find a way to convince his mother, let me go home with my mom good to discuss it. However, not married because of money wrangling,prezzo giubbotto moncler,, do I do not want to get married!

Expert opinion:


Prenuptial agreement proposed by the weaker party to the best

Lily senior expert Zhou Xiaopeng emotion: I personally do not applaud at first marriage of young men and women signed a prenuptial agreement or property notarization, because not sign the agreement on behalf of the mutual recognition of two people can long for fear, it will be bound by agreement conduct of the parties, in order to protect themselves from emotional or property damage. Wearing body armor, you can open your heart it?

From the emotional, there are hurt feelings ingredients in a prenuptial agreement. But rationally speaking, the high divorce rate in China now, especially after 80, 90, most people get married for a lifetime of hard work by the parents' savings, while a divorce has to be the other half minutes to go, so from Another aspect, sign a prenuptial agreement is to protect the interests of the elderly. In addition, the property is less prenuptial agreement that offered to perhaps a better one,, let the person know that you are talking about pure love, let the other at ease. Proposed signing a prenuptial agreement can also test both values ​​are the same, the more similar the two economic principles,moncler bambina, the future will be fewer conflicts.

Goddess of love terms of the agreement and more,woolrich spaccio veneto, micro-channel microblogging have half an hour to reply


Jiang Guangyao Male 27 years old game design

As a "game of migrant workers", are with me around like-minded, raunchy? Silk men, of course, we are all single. No girlfriend, the happiest thing in life is to play games with everyone. On a recent gathering,costo orecchini tiffany, a friend introduced me to a girl, saw her, I felt was the "flash blind dog eyes" of frustration, these white Formica How can I wait? Filaments can close. Although I feel no hope, but if it does not act completely no chance at all that way. So I approached she added a micro-channel.

Chatted for half a month,, I found quite the love goddess who ignores me, so he courage to ask her to dinner. Did not think she agreed, and I was happy Yeah, I thought the chance! So I once rare? Ordered a little modeling, but also bought a bunch of places and so she spent the agreement. She saw me, "Puchi" laughed out, ask me look so "die like a dog," What is the attempt, I took advantage of the opportunity incumbent received in the past. "This does not seem worthy of you for it!" So we are happy dined, watched a movie, the way her home, I secretly think past his hand around her,sito tiffany, who knows the goddess instantly transform Woman, with lightning speed to escape a.

?, So embarrassed. At this goddess has spoken: "You want my boyfriend ah?" I am the conditions silk reflection made me like a puppy kept nodding, the goddess had said:? "You promised me I promise Conditions you "I reflexively replied:." promise promise,spaccio piumini moncler, I promise you anything, "goddess smiled:.". Ha ha ha, evening micro-channel and then tell you what condition "is also playing a mystery here, but I was ecstatic, mind is full of the excitement is about with the goddess of love hormones.

When I got home she received micro letter, I was awake realized that I get too excited! Goddess in the micro letter said that if she wanted a boyfriend, she must promise to do the following: 1. Play the game should not more than one hour a day,, are not allowed to play games all night (because she knows I like silk men were in the cafe? play all night); 2, to go with her dress must pay attention; three, her phone text messages and even micro-channel microblogging comments must reply within half an hour; 4, always report her whereabouts; 5: To a month Once she took her favorite cafeteria that ......

I saw just stunned that this has not yet begun love it, it told me a lot of requirements, but think about it, in order to talk to the goddess together, Renren also wronged by the point, so I readily replied to her: "No problem ! "Who would have thought back to her is:" Do not worry, not finished yet, "Article 6, Article 7, Article 8 ...... a section of hair over again slowly, each one is in. challenge my nerves! Finally, the goddess said to be in writing, and I formed a formal contract, but I have to agree that she can always increase the terms of the contract. This is not what the treaty is King? I said: "I suddenly had a humiliating feeling." Goddess but a smile: "Oh, you do not feel very fun?" I go to Le! Goddess gave me dig a pit, and you say I jump or not to jump it?

Expert opinion:


Love convention should not be intimidating style of command

Lily senior expert Zhou Xiaopeng emotions: love, agreement or oral agreement probably will not hurt feelings, but they are non-binding. Because these conventions often in the passion of the commitment made in the party in order to express love beyond their ability. Accept each other's unreasonable demands, like blindfolded love, self-deception, blindly thinking about how to please each other, meet each other, to get their approval or return. Girls usual "intimidation style" convention, "I told you you can not break up," this agreement is actually more like a command. If you really do covenant, or agreement must be under the premise of mutual understanding, the two sides to communicate, to work out a mutual agreement for both sides are more satisfied with the program.

Double Happiness Survey & gt,;


90% of respondents believe that the negotiation may hurt the feelings of women

Recently,air max 90 homme pas cher, the "Double Happiness Week" joint Lily network jointly conducted a prenuptial agreement about love and survey results show that the signed agreement hurt the feelings of love or marriage, women account for over ninety.

1. Do you accept love to sign a contract?

A, does not accept the 38% (male) 43% (female)

B, accepted 15% (male) 9% (female)

C, as the case may be, 47% (male) 48% (female)

Flowers sister Analysis: More women than men harder to accept love contract, with the terms of the instructions on the other side of the issue, men are more open attitude than women to accept a higher degree, and almost half of the people think that depends on the terms of the content to make a decision .

2. Do you understand the relevant laws and regulations regarding the signing of the agreement in love or marriage?

A, completely unaware of 44% (male) 33% (female)

B, to understand that 51% (male) 65% (female)

C, very understanding 5% (male) 2% (female)

Flowers sister Analysis: Overall,hogan rebel prezzo, we legal awareness in this area is still relatively weak, from the other side can be understood as, most people still want something to do with the French feeling less will become more pure.

3. Do you believe in love or marriage agreement signed is a hurtful thing?

A, do not think 15% (male) 10% (female)

B, a little 46% (male) 50% (female)

C, very hurtful 38% (male) 40% (female)

Flowers sister Analysis: both men and women, the vast majority of people think that such an agreement would hurt the feelings, especially mention money. Netizens said that "the role of trust than the protocol well", "I feel like indentured ah", said the man would not sign a prenuptial agreement or majority.

Expert Q & gt;


Who is better suited to sign a prenuptial agreement,giubbotto woolrich prezzi?

Lily senior expert Zhou Xiaopeng emotion: 1, both large disparity of property, not a good match people, the party attracted more affluent purpose is not simply a greater chance that can protect their interests (eg woman) in such a way ; 2,giubbotto simile al woolrich, by the parents of young people to work hard to buy a car,giubbotto moncler donna, signed the agreement in order to allow parents more peace of mind; 3, entrepreneurs, businessmen and other wealthy class, this population marriages often involve more benefits, such as shareholders, employees The company, the family property even more social benefits, to sign a prenuptial agreement is also responsible for the interests of society as a way.

Link & gt,giubbotti tipo woolrich;


Such a prenuptial agreement you accept?



A woman weighing not more than 120 pounds (about 54.5 kilograms), otherwise the property deducted $ 100,000 from the divorce.

2 sides drug testing at any time, once tested positive, will impose financial penalties.

Within three years after marriage, the woman must give birth to twins, technology funds to address by the man.

4 parties can not random access advertising,vendita woolrich online, in order to avoid damage to the reputation and interests of dispute.

Loving Edition

A quarrel at home are not allowed to walk away, really go, be allowed out on cells.

2 To outlet allowed to smash things, can only eat really itchy only hit the pillow.

3 quarrel is not overnight, while sleeping man must take the initiative to hold the woman, the woman angry Baibandiaonan man can not give up.

4 out remember to give each other a kiss, upholds the "forehead, left cheek, right cheek, nose, lips," the order.

5 massage once a week for each other, with the blind man can master the craft is not good science,, forbidden to Fa Langnv learn!

Wonderful Edition

A man of real estate must be registered in the name of the wife's mother.

2 man full pay wages, domestic all-inclusive.

3 man to pay an additional two thousand yuan per month to the woman as "Are there extramarital affairs" fund.

4 can not night out,tiffany e co milano, or else pay the empty bed fee.

5 the woman hit the man three times per month to enjoy the right to slap, this right can be accumulated.

Edition text / Chongqing Morning News reporter Yu Yang