go to Beijing to see him

"" Track

Beijing News (Reporter Huang Ying) "If the money got enough, I am willing to give him my kidney." Yesterday, the mother road, Ms. von Jiong claiming working in Zhejiang, said matching willing to donate a kidney to his son. And in the good-hearted people of persuasion, Feng Jiong loose attitude, many years from turning a blind eye firmly rejected the mother's help,spaccio moncler, turned willing to accept, but still want to see the mother, said.

September 25, people almost fainting von Schilling found near the bus station Hyung-Japan Friendship Hospital, and the hospital. 17-year-old von Jiong water from Guizhou Panxian Town, suffering from uremia,http://happy-marron.com/cgi/diary/nicky/nicky.cgi,woolrich outlet, but utterly destitute unable to heal, thousands of miles to Beijing for the sake of a chance of survival.

In many well-intentioned people help, as of yesterday, 20, the Chinese Red Cross Foundation in Sina public platform for von Jiong fundraising project has been initiated to donate 31,110 yuan; The Society staff said that it will withdraw as soon as possible with a micro-public contact matters. At the same time, go to the ward to visit enthusiastic people also left nine donation, the total amount of 6900 yuan.

Mother is willing to donate a kidney to his son

"I really have no money." Ms. Lu Xin told reporters yesterday on the phone, he learned that von Jiong himself last year illness,hogan sito ufficiale, but unable to give him medical treatment meager income, adding that lobbied for a kidney transplant if needed money, willing to donate a kidney to his son matching.

But von Jiong initially reluctant to accept. "I'd rather die nor her kidney." He said that his mother no longer cared for over the years has made him extremely disappointed, but he also just want to be used for dialysis. "Leak."

Teenage mothers are willing to accept a kidney

It is understood that a few days ago there was a Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital vascular surgeon viewed von Jiong's condition,http://www.gulfjobsites.com, said that because there had been three times before doing "leak" the experience of failure, coupled with the von Jiong vessels narrow, only to give He did post-recycling artificial blood vessels "leaky",http://www.abeille-du-berry.fr/, but the success rate is only 50%. Informed of the situation, the initial rescue Jiong von Schilling repeated persuasion,woolrich uomo outlet, the mother wanted him to accept the offer of a kidney.

"Lin aunt said so many good people to help me,hogan 2014, let me live, I can not be so naive." Von Jiong final decision, you can accept the mother's kidney,http://www.xinhelan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but if von mother to Beijing to see him,scarpe hogan, "can not see it disappear. "

They care cash contributions

Yesterday, many people with clothes, cash until the hospital to visit von Jiong. "I regard the amount of money people's name,chaussures tn, contact information and the amount of down." Schilling said,basket nike tn, and later in charge of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, police officer Chen deliberation, they decided to deposit all cash donations von Jiong bank card , the "joint custody of the two of us,http://www.massazon.com,moncler outlet, he took the card to." Chen police said, will be responsible for the custody of Von Jiong bank card, "Schilling out of each account are required to be documented."

"I do not know how to repay them." Von Jiong was thinking, if put to donate their organs to die.

■ about

One day play a dozen phone to his mother

One lifted off for many years, regardless of their own regardless of the mother, Feng Yi Jiong very emotional,http://www.the16pu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=124404, improve tone.

"She lied to me so many times." Von Jiong remember when the first mother to leave,scarpe hogan donne prezzi, he is taking advantage of the school, told him to go to a relative who lives with my sister for a while, and told him not to tell Grandpa. "I want to see them every day,tiffany milano, but are disappointed every day."

March to May this year, he was called to his mother every day,scarpe hogan, "one day play a dozen times," he said,nike tn,http://magic.st, nobody answered the call from the mother,scarpe hogan outlet, and finally managed to get through it, "she said she is also in hospital, which something she can stop. "

Even well-intentioned people,moncler uomo outlet, he lobbied for kidney transplant surgery, with his mother after the match to donate a kidney to his type of success, it is difficult to forgive his mother.

■ dialogue

Mother: money already saved him

Yesterday,http://www.xmarks.com/s/site/www.tadayumi.sakura.ne.jp/apeboard_plus.cgi/os/, in a conversation with reporters in Beijing News, Feng mother said: they can do, just as von Jiong donate a kidney.

Beijing News: Why did leave von Jiong?

Frederick Mother: together is no money,hogan outlet, but also a bad day, I had left. Later, a long time on the outside, embarrassed to go back.

Beijing News: What do you do now?

Frederick Mother: I do quilt inside a factory in Zhejiang. Sometimes the mood is not good to leave the body, not much work, not to make money, they can only make 1800 dollars a month.

Beijing News: When did you know that Feng Jiong had uremia?

Frederick Mother: Last year, when he was just to know, pissed. The twelfth lunar month last year, when I went to Pan County People's Hospital looked at him, thinking no money will chilling. Only told him that if he can make money gave transplant,basket air jordan pas cher, there is no way to earn money.

Beijing News: Von Jiong now very ill,http://www.kkcare.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3098731, how are you going to do?

Frederick Mother: I really have no money,tn requin femme, except to give him a kidney, the other he's too busy. If he could do the surgery, I am willing to take care of him.

Beijing News: go to Beijing to see him?

Frederick Mother: As long as the money to get down, I comes,woolrich roma, I now have no money.

Beijing News: What von Jiong want to say?

Von mother: Tell him your mother will come, let him not to worry. To believe that my mother, my mother will take care of him.

■ Links

Von Jiong ICBC Personal Account: 6212262410000714690 (real name donors best contributions to statistical)

Von Jiong micro-public donations link:

(Original title: children's mother is willing to donate a kidney to love fundraising for more than thirty thousand)