can only sigh own the wrong

Zhejiang Online September 17 hearing last few days, on the "history of the most sophisticated holiday month" is still a hot topic, there are new messages in Hangzhou explosive spread. Folklore of the most widely used is "a unit officially Autumn welfare workers: 1.8 million informal workers welfare: 3000 yuan."

This news was friends after Hangzhou famous local BBS exposed,, followed by saliva has spread more than half of the city of Hangzhou. Some emotion: a good company even higher than the average welfare worker annual income?

Following why online printing pay slips, users also have access sun welfare? Online printing welfare, the company conduct or actions of individuals? Such exposure can irritate the workplace "Du" Wipeout it? What kind of mentality, so people are willing to bask privacy? Hangzhou local best-selling author,escarpin louboutin pas cher, "lurking in the office," the author Lu Qi teachers have something to say.

● civil welfare

"Monster": a welfare surpass the annual income of ordinary workers

"Mid-welfare official workers: 1.8 million informal workers welfare: 3,000." If you hear the Mid-Autumn welfare of this unit, you have widened eyes, then followed another company's generous treatment probably will make you scream - "Our unit this year's double benefits, Mid-Autumn Festival: 1W2 (or 1.2 million) in cash +8000 +3000 Yuan Yuan Hang shopping card moon cake coupons + a box of wine + 2 boxes of fruit, National Day: 8000 yuan travel bonus + an Apple MacBook Air (laptop) .-- We are a Fortune 500 oil companies, the names of specific companies will not say ...... "

In this regard, there are users on Sina () on the "resentment",moncler giubbotti uomo, "I was extremely unbalanced,moncler milano outlet, I am jealous, I envy."

"Stagflation stocks": decades, how to run win CPI?

Hangzhou, a famous local forum users "love the wrong bed" so the track -

"Is Mid-Autumn Festival,woolrich outlet, many units have begun to send welfare. Of course, our unit is no exception when it comes to our well-being, is ten years as one day. From the beginning the company has Autumn welfare, our standard is 100 yuan, should be maintained for six -7 years now. At this price rose era, vegetables from 0.5 yuan to 3.5 yuan, rice from 1 yuan to 3 yuan,Doudoune moncler pas cher, mustard small moon cake is from 0.5 yuan to 2.5 yuan,moncler piumini, and our well-being has been maintained without change, I really admire our boss. looked around my friends every year benefits doubled growth, can only sigh own the wrong, wrong boss. "

Such stagnation, only people uttered a sigh.

"Growth stocks": foreign finally the Romans

Reporters also saw a lonely post, "foreign Hangzhou so much, how come no one to share it ah? . " Users post is a foreign employees.

He claims into the company's first two years,woolrich outlet online italia, the Mid-Autumn welfare consequently. Think of others foreigners, but what the Mid-Autumn Festival is certainly also expressed understanding, then into the supermarket to buy a moon cake, had their own festival! Later,nike air jordan femme pas cher, I do not know what the Chinese leadership into words two years ago, the company actually has the welfare of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Colleagues moved to know a good spade - (foreigner) we finally know the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is out! Although it benefits only when the holiday luncheon that day, the company issued two canteens, "Mimi small moon cake." You know, when the Mid-Autumn Festival is not a statutory holiday.

"Later, they do not know what leadership decided after the Mid-Autumn welfare of our upgraded --100 shopping card quite impressed! - Despite rising prices, but also 100 yuan can buy a big bag of small droplets Oh moon cake,, finished! Overall, we are getting better and better welfare of Mid-Autumn Festival,moncler sito ufficiale, ah! "from scratch,, these" growth stocks "so that employees may feel grateful.

● workplace survey

Real money is always the most realistic

Welfare,louboutin pas cher, job seekers are always concerned about people's livelihood, but also the incumbent sun never-ending career topics. Today, the sun welfare of professionals in the BBS,giubbino peuterey uomo, forums,woolrich outlet roma, in the micro-blog more and more. As cities become larger radius,air max, CPI index higher, the sun was from wages, extended to the holiday costs, and even car stickers,hogan interactive,, rice paste, and other minutiae of the cost. HR director of many well-known companies feeling of living in a glass room, high transparency.

What is the selection of the company's most valued employees factors? What are the wishes of the employee turnover is the most critical factor? What is the most important reason is that employee turnover? Worry-free future based on historical survey shows that "compensation and benefits" may not always ranked first option, but it is definitely the staff always linger in the heart of an important reference factors. As companies in measuring the performance of employees will find ways to use numbers to quantify, as measured by the staff at the company will eventually be career development, company size, corporate culture,, among other factors they are converted into a digital value - gold Silver is always the most practical.

Worry-free future for the recent special car stickers, rice paste problem doing online surveys. Car stickers on the findings showed that 53% of respondents said their company does not provide neither provides a free shuttle car stickers, only 12% of white-collar 100-300 yuan per month to enjoy the transportation subsidies, other 13% of respondents only enjoy the company bus, but no cash subsidies. And on the issue of rice paste, 35% of white-collar workers only get 10 yuan a day meal allowance, as well as 26% of the company's white-collar workers where neither company provided lunch, do not provide rice paste, lunch, thanks to their own pay. Visible, even car stickers,Chaussure Louboutin, rice paste, not everyone is equal.

● Analysis

"Sun" behind

Of more concern is the mentality show off their wealth

"Lurking in the office" series of hot, author Lu Qi on workplace human welfare of those high sun made comments.

Although a celebrity when, with the assistant of Lu teacher heard the pen generous benefits 18,000 yuan on the phone, or scream out. But he felt, how much hair is normal, as long as the companies themselves do have, we do not overreact. "This society is competitive,woolrich outlet, hierarchical relationships; the boss, there are executives,woolrich outlet online, employees if you spreading the wealth around, it's not a.." Talk to this, can not help but think back to that happy "world first village. " Lu says that the mode of Huaxi Village in the early stages is good, but the latter will lose competitiveness and lose change. No desire,, power will become increasingly inadequate.

Let Lu Qi concern is that those people access to sun happy attitude is very strange that they have this sense of superiority. For those high-income unit employees, 18,000 yuan in the proportion of wages are not high,, 18,hogan sito ufficiale,000 yuan in Hangzhou, even new homes can not buy one square meter. But Autumn welfare get the money, even the person who posted themselves feel a little "outrageous." This shows that he did not get too used to be so much. State-owned enterprises in recent years with a salary in the event of changes in the way. The original people the impression that the "golden rice bowl" banking, insurance, securities company's employees to get more money is not the past, and some emerging industries (such as telecommunications companies) and some private companies issued more and more money.

Moreover, those who may not have a happy sun superiority in other areas. In today's society there are two types of people of concern, one rich,woolrich outlet, two teachers, doctors and other people respected profession. While those of ordinary white-collar workers, their social status is not high,tn pas cher homme, there is no other good sports. How to express him better than you? Then there is the sun family.

Others say such wages sun, drying welfare, the company HR (Human Resources Department) of marketing tools, not simply personal behavior. Lu Qi said that such communication, high welfare payment for the unit is the most advantageous because it will have a lot of stimulation power. Power is desire. Young people see these high welfare, it will self-motivated, "I want to climb," very full power.