000 yuan price.

The reporter Juju Wang

"War just spent eight years,hogan outlet, and I spent a lawsuit 13 years, failed to live in their own house. I really do not understand in the end is where a problem,hogan outlet, or refund my money, or give me a house, originally thing is very clear, but I could not do! "Hebei Xingtai public Song Limin reluctantly told China Youth Daily reporter.

Speaking of 13 years of litigation experience,nike tn requin, Song Limin tears.

300,000 yuan house actually looks "Weirenzuojia"

August 1996, Xingtai City Department of Cultural Affairs Service (hereinafter referred to as "Service") and west of Xingtai City Economic Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "development company") entered into operating lease contracts will be allocated to the State Service, located in Xingtai Zhongxing Road City Youth Skating Rink venue hire 55 to develop the company for a period of 15 years, the annual lease costs 350,000 yuan. But the service at no relation to the approval of the land contract management.

Later, the two sides signed a supplementary agreement,louboutin femme pas cher, the development company responsible for building the street store project,hogan, after completion of the rights owned by the service at the time the company delivered on schedule to be developed in full payment to the service at the development company is entitled to recover the right to use the portal. If the agreement is terminated, the development of the company's presence on the ground is owned by Service.

Kang Legong Development Company signed an agreement with the west, by the presence on the ground west zone Recreation Palace construction completed 14 store room. Later, Kang Legong and west zone 2 Construction and Installation Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as "two built") entered into a construction contract.

However, after the completion of the main project, Recreation Palace refused to engineering quality payment. Two built Kang Legong taken to court so will require support for projects and damages owed.

January 9,woolrich outlet, 1997, Xingtai Qiaoxi District People's Court ruling, found the main project qualified, Kang Legong ordered to pay two construction fees and liquidated damages of 12 million yuan.

The two sides have not appealed, the case goes to the program. Head Hebei Xingtai court commissioned auction auction house ownership of 14 stores have been closed down for public auction, to get 300,000 yuan to buy 14 authorized store room.

However,http://fengshiba.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=523534, when holding auction confirmation receive auction proceeds store room, find homes have been occupied by Xingtai Yatai Furniture City.

It turned out that as early as March 1, 1997, Service to the people's court to the west of the area, to terminate the lease contract with the development company. April 2, 1997,moncler sito ufficiale, the court (1997), 106 W First Instance judgment (hereinafter referred to as "judgment No. 106"), termination of the contract, the site returned to service at 14 store room by the Service to recover the money.

After the verdict in force, the service is October 18, 1997 and Furniture City venue lease contract signed,moncler outlet, but not according to the contract out of money.

In this way,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the service at no penny to put away the rent, and Song Limin spend 300,000 yuan to bid on houses admitted others.

Caught in the cycle of litigation

This portal in the end of the 14 who should, Service and Song Limin each playing a marathon lawsuit. 13 years, there have been 18 copies of judgments and orders, but still no conclusive.

December 25, 1997, it filed a lawsuit to the west District People's Court for the delivery of the auction and real estate auction procedures, compensation for economic losses, and ordered to return the illegally occupied Furniture City real estate.

Because Service v Development Company operating lease contract dispute after several judgments, Song Limin to return property lawsuit also dragged.

May 15, 1998, Xingtai City Intermediate People's Court Service v development company operating lease contract dispute ruling retrial. May 31, 1999, west of the area after the retrial verdict, revoke the decision No. 106, involving a return service at the venue, the return of Lightweight Service Bureau (Development Corporation has been revoked license, the light of the Council is the competent authorities - Reporters Note) 103,000 yuan and 35,000 yuan books, according to the bank lending rate over the same period of the Bureau of Economic compensation for loss of light.

Service refused to accept,woolrich parka, then filed an appeal, Xingtai Intermediate People's Court on January 12, 2000 final judgment that Service land without regulatory approval, to change the original business projects,woolrich parka, state-allocated land lease, not for land use right transfer procedures and delivery of land use rights transfer, contrary to the relevant policies and regulations, its lease contract with the development company signed invalid. The responsible party is invalid contract lessor,woolrich outlet, but the ability to handle if the lessee to pay rent fee and complete commitment to the agreement that does not lead to a number of disputes, which is "the chickens lay eggs" mode of operation, light as a director of the Bureau department Shicha should bear the responsibility. For other losses can be solved in 14 separate store room attribution case. Finally dismissed the appeal and upheld the original verdict.

So far, the Service Development Company v operating lease contract dispute to an end.

August 18, 2000, west of the District People's Court judgment in the case of . Court after hearing the view that valid auctions, while ignoring the Court Service in January 9, 1997 has been seized and auctioned to the fact that the furniture is still leased to the city,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/./joyful.cgi, to collect rent in the absence of funding and benefit infringement behavior, should be returned to the store room 14 press returned to 21,http://www.buchiyama.com,000 yuan per month rent .

thought this could get back their own house, I did not expect to appeal to Xingtai City Intermediate People's Court Service. In the second trial process, due to the development of the company's Service v operating lease contract dispute into the retrial, the court ruled to suspend the proceedings Song Limin case. Song Limin again began a long wait.

The service at the case by the Hebei Provincial Higher People's Court ruled that the retrial, July 12, 2001, Xingtai Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal again upheld the original verdict.

December 26, 2003, Hebei Provincial High Court on the case were arraigned Service. January 15, 2004, Hebei Provincial High Court ruled that the original verdict lease contract is invalid correctly identified 14 store room of ownership have been improperly handled separately tried, Lingan trial is that the room for the works disputes, property disputes are not. Prior to the judgment quashing the case,woolrich sito ufficiale, the return of the development of the company 103,000 yuan and 35,000 yuan passbook Service, 14 store room by the development company to return Service, Service Cost Housing Development Company shall pay 12 million yuan.

The ruling on the Song Limin competing mention of housing property. "For me, this is extremely unjust verdict,spaccio woolrich, I spent more than 30 million auction house did not get more than ten years, who will compensate my loss?" Song Limin Some said excitedly.

Song Limin refused to accept a complaint. November 11, 2005, the court ruled on the case Semba restore hearing.

So the case went back to the origin.

Who is to blame in the end

Song Limin told reporters, in fact, the development of the company and the service at this 14 is not the owner of the store room. Because the store room of the land belonging to the service at the service at its leased development company, to develop the company has leased Recreation Palace, Recreation Palace during the Second Construction Loaning Xingtai leased housing commission. After the completion of store room, Kang Legong dishonor for projects, case through litigation, the store room by the court auction for payment for work,http://www.gfgjylpingtai.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2185046&fromuid=12496, but after the auction made by housing property. "These store room real investors only me, should I come by their due rights."

The Service believes that, in accordance with resolution 106 judgments, they and development company lease contract has been lifted, 14 store room by the Service to recover the money. But then delays in the implementation, because the court is illegal for these store room were auctioned. "14 street store room of land use rights, the Bureau legally entitled to west court auction consignment contract 'auction object name' column, wrote: 'Kang Legong 14 store room of ownership (No. 55 Zhongxing Road) 'I do not know on what basis the court finds that such is. "

Service,woolrich parka, said the company will develop the site leased to Kang Legong, and they are not informed of the development contract signed between the company and Recreation Palace itself is illegal, invalid, as the project payment dispute between construction companies with Kang Legong, not through the auction of the property does not belong to them to solve. "Semba court auction 14 store room unauthorized acts directly against our own property,http://www.jp-ia.com, in violation of the law, its auctions only ineffective, but also bear tort liability."

Service believes that even if the ratification of the auctions valid if the auction price is also $ 300,000 should return all the services at the service of the construction costs paid by the construction team, the court has no right punishment which 300,http://www.88dy.us/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=112907,000 yuan price.

And attorney, told the China Youth Daily reporter,nike tn air, commissioned by the court before the real estate auction, according to the law courts have sought the advice of the Department of Cultural Affairs Service, Department of Cultural Affairs Service expressly do not buy, the court was commissioned by public auction conducted by the auction house.

January 20, 1999,http://www.abeille-du-berry.fr/, Hebei TV news columns with a wide-angle "Auction How can Earnest" in the title, reported the Xingtai City Recreation Palace 14 regarding auction store room. Xingtai City Semba District supervises the room to find out about this, west of the court responded that the auction behavior is in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law Enforcement court procedures, legal and valid.

February 3,http://phpwind.hkcnidc.com/read.php?tid=12310201&ds=1, 2010, the head office v Hebei Xingtai auction auction house, Xingtai Yatai Furniture City,piumino moncler, Xingtai City Department of Cultural Affairs Service real estate auction disputes court again. Song Limin put forward for the auction house and Yatai Furniture City Department of Cultural Affairs and Services tripartite fulfill the obligation to deliver the property and compensation for the losses caused to the plaintiff.

Auction houses trial reiterated its conduct,spaccio moncler, commissioned by the court auction, and has completed all the procedures for auction, auctions valid, there is no procedural flaws, its obligation to deliver the property should be completed, so the auction shall not be responsible .

Furniture City said its possession and use of real estate dispute complaint, according to the lease contract services at the Department of Cultural Affairs, and paid a reasonable rent, there is no fault, but I do not know the property was seized and appeal indisputable facts auction, which should not responsibility.

Agents believe the plaintiff, after the auction house auction, there is no time to transfer the property to the buyer subject plaintiff, also uncommitted and approval procedures relating to a property auction to the plaintiff, the plaintiff makes the transfer can not be completed,hogan uomo prezzi, resulting in the delivery of real estate in the premise of no plaintiff next, the possession and use of services at the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Yatai Furniture City, its response to these acts of responsibility.

As a lessee Yatai Furniture City, the possession and use of the property to be seized under a state court completed its contractual relationship between the Department and pay rent and service behavior is collusion harm the interests of the plaintiff, therefore, should work together compensate the plaintiff's loss.

The case has not been sentenced,louis vuitton borse.

"I thought, court auction to buy a house should be insured, they come up with their life savings, who knows to pay such a high price. Ten years, 300,000 yuan boondoggle, fell into a never-ending The lawsuit, which in the end is who is to blame, how should I do? "holding hands and thick judgment ruling, Song Limin loss.