the boss said the other did not fancy

Man Wai Metropolis Daily News newspaper reporter intern Bin photography: Reporter She shadow,peuterey prezzi

Private recruitment "egg donation volunteers",spaccio moncler, as there is a demand of families paid egg donation,,giubbotti peuterey, as if forming a huge "folk egg Library",piumino moncler,, "egg black market" has emerged. Month investigation by the reporter unannounced visits,louboutin femme pas cher, opened River City "egg black" veil, and joint law enforcement authorities to be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Perspective "by oviparous child", a clear chain of black interests surfaced.

Customer "by Oviparous child" pay twelve thirty thousand reward = "volunteers" egg donation once was ten thousand yuan compensation fee forty-five thousand medical expenses once the remaining 67 million to a net gain profit agency

"Volunteers" to sell their eggs

August 28 at noon, Wuhan suddenly began to rain. Hannan is located near the school meal Xiaoli, the boss suddenly received a phone call informing her 14:00 to the company to see clients.

20-year-old Xiao Li who lives in Qianjiang rural areas, home to two sisters at home Dongnuexijie only cobble together her this semester's tuition, living expenses have not landed. This work was a week ago, her online recruitment, without the written nor the interview,, send a resume directly past it was accepted, but the content of your resume in addition to height and weight, etc., but also several special projects, including "women's health status, presence or absence of genetic diseases, with or without bad habits, menstrual period, menstrual cycle" and so on. There was hired along with her classmates Xiaoyi, bosses and clients call them "egg donation volunteers",peuterey sito ufficiale, is actually selling their eggs. Once the success of the company's commitment to donate eggs, she can receive compensation, but no damage to the body.

CPA million yuan compensation

14:00,woolrich milano, the bus arrived on time Xiaoli Xiongchu Avenue side of the sun Meishu district, located in Room 903, Block cell B. Her clients are a pair of 10-year marriage is not pregnant Wuhan couple, they need someone to donate oviparous son.

The first time I saw the customer, Xiaoli little nervous, sitting on the sofa and down-conscious hand-wringing. Each other's eyes made her feel very uncomfortable,louboutin homme,, like the selection of goods look like her, and asked some very privacy issues. 10 minutes later, the customer gave her 100 yuan toll let her go home,giubbotti moncler, the boss said the other did not fancy, let her go back and continue to wait.

Xiaoli know the competitiveness of this industry is not small,moncler sito ufficiale, the company has more than about 100 egg donation volunteers, according to the appearance, stature,louboutin pas cher, education and age, divided into different grades, egg donation compensation fee from each 6000 yuan -4 million range, usually around $ 10,000. Educated, young girl looks good customers like you want, and compensation are paid too high, like my colleagues Satsuki within three months to donate twice,moncler outlet, compensation of up to 30,000 yuan each.

"Folk egg Library" quietly formed

Xiaoli said the company called "China Yangtze surrogate network", the boss surnamed Wu, was Yichang. He and another called "Continental surrogate network" boss brothers, and they both cooperation and competition,piumino moncler, organized and in control of a huge underground Wuhan "folk ovum."

This "folk egg Library" has recruited more than 100 within two years of egg donor, only a minimum of 19 years old. In addition to posting their advertisements everywhere, but also set up a donation online QQ group and website, recruit egg donation via a network. As they preached a simple surgery,hogan outlet, the body is completely harmless, some young women are attracted to high compensation, egg donation is increasing the number of volunteers.

Reporters unannounced visits found that the agency egg donation through a network of volunteers some information to the customer,, customer choice with the intention of one or two interviews, to determine the donor after the interview, and then signed a donation agreement with the agency, and then paid ten thousand yuan deposit to cover the egg donor medical examinations, physiological adjustment period before surgery costs and these payments etc., and then went to the hospital registration tripartite examination and adjustment of the menstrual cycle. After 15 days, while the egg donor sperm oocyte retrieval, fertilized eggs for another three days after transplant.

The whole process, customers need to pay the cost of about twelve or thirteen million. If unsuccessful, egg donors need to donate again,, until it succeeds. Calculated from the time before and after the egg donation process, in addition to paid "volunteers" million of the compensation paid to the hospital 40,000 yuan in medical expenses and $ 5,,000 fee egg freezing, the agency can get six or seven million net profit . Wu also claimed that the first eight months the company has successfully operated more than 100 cases of egg donation, while the company's annual profit of about ten million dollars.

Multi-sectoral joint destroyed "black egg"

According to the investigation of the case reporter for several days, Hongshan district government decided to conduct a multi-sectoral joint law enforcement, banned and destroyed the "folk ovum" business chain.

Yesterday 9:30, at Hongshan district government organizations, law enforcement officers and staff of various departments Hongshan District Trade and Industry Bureau, Health Bureau, Family Planning Commission, Zhuodaoquan police station, neighborhood offices, etc. come together Zhuodaoquan Sunshine Meishu cell compartment Block B 903 agency offices.

Law enforcement officers knocked on the main door, the rapid control of the inside of the female staff,moncler sito ufficiale, and a copy of the business information on your computer. At this time, "Continental surrogate network" boss Wu and another staff member holding a donut eating came in sight of law enforcement personnel, immediately turned to bugger off,woolrich milano, which was immediately stopped by law enforcement officers.

Then, one by one law enforcement officers conducted a trial site. Wu insisted he was a friend of another male staff, but this has nothing to do with stopping by, multiply when law enforcement officers tried others, secretly send text messages to his brother, "China Yangtze surrogate network," the boss told his "joint enforcement In the investigation to be controlled. " This move was perceived law enforcement officers, then found many egg donor and telephone, as well as business customers from the SMS Wu phone.

Law enforcement officers at the scene also found a large number of young women before pregnancy test results, customer sign donation agreement and pay documents, in addition to a large number of drugs to stimulate the secretion of female hormones and so on.

According to the scene seized information available,giubbotti moncler, the Company had no business license,moncler outlet online, customers are from Wuhan local, but also in the province,woolrich uomo, there are many foreign couples from Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Jiangxi and other places.

Hongshan District Government jointly responsible for the enforcement of special classes of persons, in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health, donated eggs are limited to accepting human assisted reproductive treatment cycle egg retrieval for women, and forbids any form of commercialization of oocyte donation and donor egg behavior, for mediation Companies and violations, law enforcement related medical institutions will be given severe blow. (References to "volunteers" are not his real name)

Expert opinion

Donor Complications

Director of the Center for Reproductive Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region said that women from puberty to menopause date, in addition to pregnancy,woolrich sito ufficiale, every month several follicles begin to develop, but only one follicle will be fully mature, then ovulation, and is usually caused by two ovarian alternately releasing eggs in a lifetime 400-600 follicles will mature discharge. To make egg donor IVF, a one-time 5-10 eggs removed, doctors need to use hormone drug will block the follicles, "ripening",, ovulation, if handled badly measured, likely to cause complications - ovary hyperstimulation syndrome, caused by edema, ascites, pulmonary embolism and so on. Because women after the age of 22, the egg will mature, if premature or frequent "ripening", can lead to premature ovarian failure.